Elland C of E Junior, Infant & Nursery School (VA)

May God give us the courage to try, the will to succeed and hope without limits

Westgate, Elland, West Yorkshire, HX5 0BB



Useful Documents

Parents and carers find some of these documents useful. You may request a paper copy of these documents by completing the Contact Form.


Information on the School Nursing Team is available here.

This form should be used to order new uniform.



 We would like to remind you of our expectations around attendance at school.  Our attendance targets for all children and our whole school are above 96% and we are confident that if we work together, we can achieve this goal.

As you will remember the new National Framework for Penalty Notices came into force last year, for Penalty Notices issued of the 19th of August 2024, and we are trying to reduce the number of families who meet the criteria within this framework.

Below are two very important pieces of information, that we encourage you to read and follow. 

To help you with this, we would like to remind you of the following things:

  • Holidays in term time are not authorised, and you may be fined.
  • School doors open at 8:35am and we expect all children to be in school by 8:45am each day.
  • If your child is genuinely ill and cannot attend school, please contact school by 8:35am to let us know.
  • If your child has an appointment to attend, please let the office see a copy of the letter, appointment card or text message, so that they can authorise the absence.
  • If your child has 8 sessions of unauthorised absence in an 8-week period, you will receive a notice to improve.
  • If your child has 10 sessions of unauthorised absence in a 10-week period, you will receive a penalty notice.
  • You will receive letters periodically throughout the year when your child’s attendance drops below a certain level – this is to inform you, and give you the opportunity to improve or seek support.
  • You might be invited attendance panel meetings – this is to help identify where we can help you.

If you are struggling with your child’s attendance, there are many ways that we or other services can support you.  Please let us know about any difficulties as soon as you identify them.

 Attendance Letter Jan 2025.docxDownload
 National Framework for Penalty Notices_Summation v2024.1.docxDownload
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Things To Do

 Engage Craft and Chat v2 (2).pdfDownload
 JAN 25 Creative Skills v2.pdfDownload
 JAN 25 SFS Engage.pdfDownload
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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!

We hope this newsletter finds you well, warm and happy. It’s getting close to Christmas now, with excited children and lots to do! Our newsletter is packed with activities and information for the Spring term so we hope you will take a few minutes to have a read through.

New year, new start? Do you fancy trying something new? Check out our Family and Adult Learning programmes for inspiration. Do you see yourself as a Parent Champion? We are looking for parents who would like to give a little back and support other parents by being a voice and a listening ear in the community. You would help to shape services alongside us, making sure what we deliver is what parents want. Please get in touch if you are interested. 

We also have lots of fun activities for you and your little ones, both in our Family Hubs and at home, find out more in this email.

A big thank you to all of you who took part in our recent annual consultation, your views are very important to us and once we have collated those results, we will share them with you. 

Our digital offer to parents continues to grow. We now have parenting support and courses online so you can do these at a time to suit you.

Don’t forget our drop in and telephone advice lines for times when you just need an answer to a question or don’t know where to turn for help. 

Be the first to know what is happening by following us on social media so you can keep up to date with our latest activities events and competitions. We also regularly offer advice about parenting issues and all things children, which may just help with family life.  

If you need any help with childcare places or the new government funding for working parents, we are always here to help. 

Keep well, stay safe and warm. 

Have a fabulous festive holiday and a Happy New Year! 

Nicki Holdsworth & Andrea Briggs 

Programme Manager/Family Hub Manager 

North Halifax Partnership

Halifax Opportunities Trust

Family Learning

We have new Family Learning courses and activities, along with some old favourites! Please book early and let us know if you can't attend, so we can offer the spot to another family. We're also looking for new trainers for our Family Hubs. If interested, contact Chloe.Machon@nhpltd.org.uk (North Halifax Partnership) or Andrea.Briggs@regen.org.uk (Halifax Opportunities Trust) for more info. Choose your area below to view the timetable and book on:

Latest News and Events 

Find out what's going on at your local Family Hub 

News and Events

Well Baby Drop-in Clinic

Every Thursday 9.30am-11.30am at Jubilee Family Hub, Lightowler Road, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX1 5NB

Drop in for baby weighing, advice and support.

(Last entry at 11.15am)

Call 01422 342552 for more information.

Youth Group

Every Wednesday – 4:00pm-6:00pm term time only at Little Stars Family Hub, Parkinson Lane, Halifax, HX1 3XL.

For ages 7 to 11.

Contact Farzana.Kousar@regen.org.uk or call 01422 252022 for more information.

Primary School Places (starting reception class)

Your child will be eligible for a primary school place from September 2025 if they were born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021. You will be able to make your application from 18th November 2024 until the close date of 15th January 2025.

Offers of Primary School places for September 2025 will be made on 16th April 2025.

For more information contact cyps.admissions@calderdale.gov.uk

Nursery Places

We kindly request that all families interested in securing a place at one of our nurseries contact their preferred location and complete the enquiry form to be added to the waiting list as soon as possible. Please note, each nursery has a limited number of available spaces, so we encourage you not to wait until the last minute to apply.

Free online courses for parents in Calderdale

Each course is tailored to children’s developmental stages, for you to learn in your own time. Find out more...


North Halifax Partnership's Annual Celebration

North Halifax Partnership recently held the Annual Celebration event, marking the end of the year-long 25th anniversary celebrations. Find out more...


Food Additives - Can they affect your child's health?

Food additives are chemicals added to foods to keep them fresh or to enhance their colour, flavour or texture. Research has found a possible link between certain artificial colours used in food and problems with hyperactivity in children. Find out more...

Read the label!

Slush ice drinks, or 'slushies', can contain the ingredient glycerol, a substitute for sugar, at a level required to create the 'slush' effect. At this level, it is recommended that children four years of age and under should not consume these drinks. Find out more...



Staying Safe using QR Codes

Our content often features a QR code as it is a fast and effective way to access our services, website and booking systems.

Here are some things to follow to keep safe whilst using QR codes:

✅ Check to see if any QR codes have been tampered with (e.g. stickers put over the top)

✅ Scan the QR code using your camera, not using an app

✅ Avoid QR codes in emails

✅ Preview a web page before you load it

Meet our Team 

Could you be a parent champion?

We are currently recruiting Parent Champions for all the Family Hubs in Calderdale. Parent Champions are parents themselves, who have accessed Family Hub services. Meet our Parent Champion Coordinators... 

Activities to try at home

Book Recommendation: Stick Man

Stick Man lives in the family tree with his Stick Lady Love and their stick children three. But the world is a dangerous place for a Stick Man. Discover this book and some fun activities. Find out more...

Roasted Sweet Potato and Carrot Soup

Perfect for little taste explorers! Try this delicious and healthy recipe for you and your family. Find out more...

Don't forget to share your photos with us too!

50 things to do before you're five - Winter Edition

Useful Information

Food Banks and Social Supermarkets 

In today’s challenging economic climate, many families are feeling the pressure of rising costs. This guide is here to connect you with local food banks, community programs, and other support services that can ease the burden. Find out more...

Help and support

Zarach's Mission: To end child bed poverty in England, giving children the opportunity to engage at school and a chance to break the cycle of poverty.

 "Are their school-age children unable to gain a good night's sleep in your home due to not having the appropriate beds, no beds, broken beds, or multiple children sharing a bed? Did you know that Zarach is a charity that exists in your area to provide brand new beds, pyjamas, and bedding for children where families can no longer afford to buy them?

If you are one of these families, please see your pastoral team in your son/daughters school and they can submit a referral to Zarach - please see the attached visual aid of our process."

Help and support

 Early Help Support and Advice leaflet Final (003).pdfDownload
 Frustrated, cross or angry leaflet.pdfDownload
 Routine difficulties.pdfDownload
 Stressed worried or uncertain leaflet.pdfDownload
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School Avoidance

School avoidance is a sharply increasing phenomenon, with tangible negative effects on children’s wellbeing and education. The factors that come together to make a child consciously avoid seeing their classmates and teachers can be much more complicated than is often assumed. A careful, mindful approach from parents, carers and educators is required to help children return to an environment that may be causing them intense anxiety.

This guide aims to help you understand the issue of school avoidance – not only its potential roots and ramifications, but also what you can do to help children and young people navigate these obstacles and continue their education.

Separated Parent Support

Further to the programme of work being done across the LA in supporting parents around healthy parental relationships (https://relationshipsmatter.org.uk/) we are now promoting a new and free App to download to Apple or Android devices, that separating or separated parents may benefit from. The main benefit of the app is the improvement around communication and better management of relationships to reduce conflict around children.

You can find more about the app on the following link:

Separating better (oneplusone.org.uk)

Safety for Children

We want our children to feel that they can access the same support with their safety and wellbeing at home as they can at school.  Below are some of the ways that children can access guidance and support from home.  It is important that children feel that they have someone to talk to about anything that is worrying them or making them feel unsafe and some of the links below are good to share with you children at home.
ChildLine runs a free, 24-hour phone, online and messaging service for children of all ages, and there are lots of useful self-help resources on their website which explains to children about how to keep safe. 
CEOP have a ‘make a report’ button on their website, where anyone can report anything that they have seen or experienced online that worries them.  There are also advice and games pages for children of different ages that can help remind children how to stay safe. https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/
The National Online Safety website offers guides to parents and carers, which are a range of easy to use guides covering a range of popular social media, gaming and online platforms, advising parents on the benefits and risks of their children using them, and offering useful advice on taking sensible precautions to support their children to be safe while using them. https://nationalonlinesafety.com/
Thinkuknow is the education programme from CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline. There are lots of videos, games and resources on here for children from 5-7 years. https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/
Emotional Health and Wellbeing
The following services and resources support children and families with their emotional health and wellbeing.
·         Open Minds Calderdale http://www.openmindscalderdale.org.uk/
·         Go Noodle https://www.gonoodle.com/

Young Minds https://youngminds.org.uk/

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Resource library

This resource library has been created to store various mental health and emotional wellbeing resources for children, young people, families and professionals.

Time Out Listening Line 
A Listening line has been set up for children and young people who want someone to talk to about issues such as: home/school life, friendships, and any worries they may be having about Coronavirus. The Listening Line is not a counselling service, it’s a safe space offering children and young people the opportunity to speak to an experienced Time Out worker, who regularly work with children and young people in schools and in the community. To access the listening line children and young people can send a text to 07418 311736 and one of Time Out’s project workers will call them back to arrange an appointment.
Other links

Relationships Advice

Many parents and carers feel unsure about how to talk to their child about sex, sexuality, and relationships. The NSPCC have advice to help you support your child and keep them safe.


North Halifax Partnership Guides

Our latest what’s on guides for September are out now. Take a look at what’s going on across our Children’s Centres over September. This includes:

* Stay and play groups * Health services available within the Centres * Family Walks * Community events
* Family Support Advice Lines

The Lower Valley Children’s Centres guide can be accessed here: LV-Whats-on-Guide-September-2023.pdf (surestartchildrenscentresnhp.org.uk)

The North & East Halifax Children’s Centres guide can be accessed here: Whats-On-Guide-NE-September-2023.pdf (surestartchildrenscentresnhp.org.uk)

Our Children’s Centres also offer a free program of Family Learning activities and courses throughout the year. We offer ac- tivities to help improve the quality of family life, as well as accredited courses to learn new skills and support with employ- ment. Our Autumn Term course information and booking form can be accessed here: FLT Course selection form (typeform.com)

Sleep Difficulties

For children and young people, low-quality sleep can become a serious issue. It has been theorised that poor sleep can have a significant impact on children’s brain development, affecting them for the rest of their lives. A healthy – and consistent – sleeping pattern, therefore, is incredibly important for children and young people’s wellbeing. With the stresses and distractions that can present themselves to youngsters, it can be tricky to ensure they’re in the best mindset to wind down in the evenings for the rejuvenating rest that they need. The right approach, however, can give them a better chance of cultivating a healthy sleeping pattern. The following guide has some practical tips on helping them to achieve exactly that.

 Keeping Children and Young People Safe Against Radicalisation and Extremism.pdfDownload
 Safeguard Guide No 1 Private Fostering.pdfDownload
 School Nursing Team.pdfDownload
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Supporting Children Returning To School

Returning to education guides for children and young people, parents and carers and professionals

The Returning to Education Guides below outline some common worries and anxieties that students, parents/carers and staff may face on returning to school/college, and suggest strategies and resources which could support them.

Please click here to see the:

Children and Young People’s Guide

Parents and carers of Primary School Students Guide 

Parents and Carers of Secondary School Students Guide 

Primary School Staff Guide

Worry Cards on Returning to Education – created by young people for students returning to education. The purpose of these cards is to help decrease stress levels and any worries or queries that students might have, especially for those who haven’t been in an education setting since due to the most recent lockdown. These top worries have been selected as the most frequent worries that students said they will face on returning to education.


Moving to high school is a challenge for children and parents. The documents below will help you prepare and ensure a successful transition.

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Preparing for Exams

The link below can help if you or your child are anxious about end of key stage tests, now or in the future.

Open Minds has a section on “Exam help & Support” for any children who want additional support http://www.openmindscalderdale.org.uk/exam-help-calderdale/

Internet safety guidance



WUW - Intimate Images Email Header 

WUW_Sharing_Intimate_Images_Guide 1 

The sharing of nudes, semi-nudes and other explicit material is a prominent issue in today’s digital landscape: both their distribution and their misuse. In fact, the National Crime Agency has issued an alert to hundreds of thousands of education professionals after a study found that 26,718 cases of "sextortion" had been reported in 2023 - more than doubling from the year before. 


It's vital for parents and educators to be aware of how they can safeguard children from exposure to, or involvement in, sharing intimate images – especially given that the sharing of such material featuring under-18s is a serious criminal offence. This week’s guide offers expert insight into the risks of sharing intimate images online, as well as tips on implementing measures to shield children from encountering inappropriate digital content of a sexual nature. 


A Parent's Guide To WhatsApp