Elland C of E Junior, Infant & Nursery School (VA)

May God give us the courage to try, the will to succeed and hope without limits

Westgate, Elland, West Yorkshire, HX5 0BB



School Menu

School dinners – £1.90 per day = £9.50 per week

Please pay for school dinners on Mondays in advance. We cannot provide school dinners without payment. It’s much easier if children could stick to either school dinners or sandwiches for the entire week.

Tuck – 20p per day = £1 per week

We have a tuck shop for children in Years 1 – 6 each day. The tuck is healthy eating. We have different types of fruit and home baking from the school kitchen. We prefer you to pay tuck money in advance on Friday.

Nursery and Reception tuck – 30p per week

You can pay weekly or half termly.

Please send all money into school in a purse or an envelope with your child’s name and class written on. Say what the money is for e.g. dinner money £9.50, tuck money £1, disco £1, etc.