8.35 Start of the school day
8.45 Register/Early Morning Activities
8.55 Lessons begin
10:00 Collective Worship
3.15 End of the school day
8.35 Start of the school day
8.45 Register/Early Morning Activities
9:00 Whole School Celebration Assembly (parents welcome)
9:30 Lessons begin
3.15 End of the school day
This equates to 32.5 hours of school provision on a typical week.
Playtimes and lunchtimes
All years: 10:20-10:30
A staggered afternoon break can be put in place at the discretion of the teacher.
Nursery and Reception: 11.30 - 12.30
Year 1 and 2: 11.55 - 12.55
Years 3-6: 12:15-12:55
All children are dropped off and collected from the main playground.
Children in Nursery and Reception, are to be dropped off and collected from the door under the shelter.
Children in Years 1 and 2 are dropped off and collected from the parochial hall entrance.
Children in Year 3/4 are dropped off and collected from the Y3 classroom door.
Children in Year 4/5 and Y6 use the main entrance.
Please note any children arriving after 8:45am should enter through the main entrance.