Elland C of E Junior, Infant & Nursery School (VA)

May God give us the courage to try, the will to succeed and hope without limits

Westgate, Elland, West Yorkshire, HX5 0BB




From September 2024

Leadership Team

Miss L Hartley - Headteacher/DSL

 Miss C Richardson - Deputy Headteacher/DSL 

Mrs D Greenwood – Assistant Headteacher 

Mrs K Bedford – SENDCo 



Mrs M Hoyle

 Family Liaison/DSL

  Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) for the school are  Miss Hartley, Miss Richardson and Mrs Hoyle.

 Office Staff

Mrs L Peckover - Business Manager

Ms J Fahey - Admin Assistant

Miss L Stokoe - Admin Assistant

Early Years Foundation Stage

Mrs Riley - Foundation Stage Teacher/Assistant SENDCo

Mrs T Kelly - Nursery Nurse

Mrs C Tordoff- Teaching Assistant 

Mrs A Schofield - Support Assistant

 Key Stage One

Mrs D Greenwood - Y1 Teacher/Assistant Headteacher

Mrs S Hillam - Y2 Teacher

Mrs K Iwanowski - Teaching Assistant

Mrs S Wood - Teaching Assistant

Mrs L Kitchen - Teaching Assistant


 Key Stage Two

Miss D Johnson - Y3 Teacher Mr G Whitton - Y4/5 Teacher Mrs K Bedford - Y6 Teacher/SENCO
Mr D Osborne - Teaching Assistant Miss T Melanophy - Teaching Assistant Mrs M Fox - HLTA
Miss T Gower - Support Assistant Miss S Agnew - Teaching Assistant Mrs K Ward - Teaching Assistant

Miss I Bartle - Support Assistant

Miss M Sierota - Support Assistant



 Maintenance Team

  Mr D Galloway - Site Manager  
Mrs Depledge - Cleaner, Mrs Hinks - Cleaner, Mrs Watson - Cleaner


Kitchen and Midday Staff

Kitchen Staff Midday Staff
Mrs Butler - Cook Mrs Hinks - Senior Midday Supervisor
Mrs Farren - Assistant Cook Mrs Depledge
Mrs Watson - Kitchen Assistant Mrs Ashton
Mrs Iannelli - Kitchen Assistant Mrs Thackeray


 Additional Staff
 Mr Greenwood - Sports Coach