What we’ve been doing…
Friendship bracelet challenge
During our SCARF lesson we discussed what it means to be a good friend. We then took part in the friendship bracelet challenge. Each child worked with someone they do not usually play with to encourage social and communication skills.
Books around the campfire
Some of our pupils have enjoyed bringing our outdoor learning inside by setting up a cosy campfire where they can read books and make stories whilst pretended to cook delicious meals on a stove.
Emperor Penguins
After reading a story about an emperor penguin egg we have loved finding out more interesting facts about Emperor Penguins. During our outdoor learning time we pretended to be a colony of Emperor Penguins huddling together in the harsh weather conditions of Antarctica. In pairs we pretended to be female and male penguins taking care of our emperor penguin eggs to ensure they did not freeze on the ice.
Capacity Potions
During our maths session last week we explored capacity using the terminology full, half full, empty and nearly empty. We used our magical powers to create a range of potions of varying capacities.
Creative Writing
In Early Years we want to promote a love for writing and allowing our creative writing to flow naturally. In provision adults have included writing prompts that follow the interests of our cohort creating independence and a desire to write with their own purpose in mind.
Creative literature
Early years used their creative thinking to design a new house for our characters Mr Wiggle and Mr Waggle. We have recently explored the setting in our talk for write story and discussed how we can change aspect of our story to become authors.
Getting toasty around the campfire - Outdoor learning
This week we have enjoyed telling our own stories around the campfire. The children enjoyed eating delicious mud pies, soups and leaf kebabs.
Starry night - Vincent Van Gogh
Early Years have enjoyed learning about our artist of the half term Vincent Van Gogh. We have looked closely at paintings of the night sky and discussed the use of dark colours. Adults carefully modelled new brush strokes that helped create a wave effect on our paintings! We also used a template of starry night to practice our pencil control.
Children's Mental Health Week
Here are a few pictures from our activities this week.
The big outdoor clean
Over the weekend a group of volunteers teamed together to clean the Early Years outdoor area in preparation for spring. Our Health and Safety Governor wanted to ensure the floors were jet washed to avoid any slips and trips.
During our outdoor learning Early Years enjoyed exploring the crates and wooden planks.
Mrs Kelly modelled how to create an obstacle course of varying heights and length. The children then independently created their own obstale courses, collabarting as a group.
Writing in Early Years
This week we captured children independently accessing provision using taught skills during our phonics, literacy and mathematics lessons!
Mud Glorious Mud
We have loved playing in our mud kitchen this week making delicious cups of tea!
Book and Breakfast
Reception attended Book and Breakfast with their grown-ups. We discussed the importance of reading at home, how to read our home reading books and making comments in home reading books.
This term Early Years have been learning how to find space and explore using apparatus.
We have learnt how to complete simple gymnastic skills such as forward roles and pencil jumps.
Spy Pens - Following Children's Interests
Adults enhanced provision by placing spy pens under our tables. We enjoyed writing secret messages and trying to decode what our peers have written.
SCARF visit
This week Early Years had a visit from Lucy and Harold the Giraffe.
We learned how to keep our bodies healthy by sleeping, exercising, being mindful and keeping hydrated. Harold taught Early Years all about their bones, organs and how our body needs energy!
Early Years have been exploring how to use a range of chalks such as, slim chalk and thick chalk.
This week we have learnt the skill of smudging to enhance the texture.
Early Years have been learning all about the four seasons!
We have created calendars and explored various signs of autumn, winter, spring and summer.
Mathematics in Provision
Reflecting on our pupils next steps adults in Early Years have enhanced provision to ensure our pupils can consolidate their learning, dig deeper in a play based way. Adults within the unit have modelled forming numerals, matching numerals and amounts and ordering to support children during their 'busy jobs'.
Early years have been learning all about the four seasons through our understanding of the world sessions.
Big Draw - Whale
Early Years took part in our Whale big draw, talking about the features and markings of Orcas.
We followed instructions, worked on our pencils grips and developed our drawing skills.
Whale Watching Expedition
Early Years set sale across the Artic Ocean on board the "Streamline Artic"
We wore our winter clothes and looked out onto the horizon in search of Orcas.
To our amazement not only did we see Orcas, but a range of Whales dancing in the waters below!
We then took part in our Whale big draw, talking about the features and markings of Orcas.
Arctic Explores - UTW
This half term Early Years are learning all about the polar regions starting with the Artic Circle.
As a result, adults reflected on our cohorts needs and have introduced an Artic small world, so that they can communicate, explore non-fiction texts and develop a deeper understanding of our world and the differences between the Artic and where we live.
Spring Term Busy Jobs
Adults in Early Years have captured some wonderful learning through play.
Busy jobs allow our pupils to become critical, curious and independent learners.
Arctic and Antarctic animals
This week we have explored animals from the polar regions.
The children enjoyed matching the animals and discussing their features.
We learnt that polar bears can camouflage using their translucent fur.
We also learnt that Orca's like to stay in packs to hunt their prey, for example, seals.
Making the most of the Weather
In Early Years we completed some ice experiments, we used food colouring to dye the ice and also used our body temperatures to melt the ice. We furthered their learning by adding magnifying glasses so that we could look at the ice crystals.
Nursery Rhyme Station
Early Years have a rhyme of the week, in which we place in provision for children to independently access.
This week we have been learning '5 currant buns' using a range of resources with a big focus on counting objects 1-1 and recongising numbers.
The Four Seasons
Through 'Understanding the World' Early Years have enjoyed completing a range of activities such as sorting winter and summer clothes, matching objects to seasonal pictures and designing a four season calendar.
Hedgehog Bread
During our design and technology lesson, Early Years took part in a baking activity. We learnt the importance of hygiene before cooking, following recipes and simple instructions. We manipulate the dough by kneading and stretching in preparation for baking the bread.
Our next step was to shape he dough, add eyes and use scissors to create spines in the dough.
Reindeer Run
Early Years took part in the Overgate Reindeer run!
We discussed the British value of mutual respect and how we can help others who are less fortunate that we are by taking part in charity fundraisers.
Our artist this half term was Giuseppe Arcimboldo an Italian artist, who created portraits using vegetables and fruit. Reflecting on our previous topic portraits, we wanted to teach the children there are also alternatives to paint. Initially the children cut pieces of fruit and vegetables and stuck them to a template to explore making faces. We then created our very own portraits using fresh fruits and vegetables!
Cooking Week
Early years took part in our whole school cooking week. This term we worked in small groups to create a fruit Christmas tree. We used small cutters to create shapes and knifes to cut the grapes in half. We carefully placed our fruit onto a small cocktail stick to crate this design!
Scrunching Techniques
For our Christmas cards this year early years have enjoyed using the scrunching technique to decorate their Christmas baubles. We have learnt how to tear tiny pieces of tissue paper and roll them into small balls. Not only has this activity taught us a new skill but also targets our fine motor development!
Remembrance Day
Early Years learnt about the celebration 'Remembrance Day' in which we remember those who lost their lives during wars.
Bike Ability
Early Years have enjoyed their very first balance bike session with Coach Calvin. This week we learned how to put on a helmet and move safely around our outdoor area.
Diwali Celebrations
Early Years have enjoyed taking part in a range of activities that are themed around the Hindu celebration of Diwali. The children enjoyed making rangoli patterns and Medhi designs. We talked about the story of Rama and Sita and how this story symbolises "light over darkness"
Bonfire Night
Early Years have enjoyed learning all about Bonfire night and why we have this celebration. As an adult led activity the children enjoyed making firework paintings using cardboard tubes and bright coloured paint. The children then displayed their work for our pretend firework display. The children used colourful scarves to create large motor skills and even included firework sounds such as bang, crackle and whooosh. The children even made pie and peas for observers!
Book and Breakfast
Nursery enjoyed spending time with their grown-ups during our Book and Breakfast session this half term.
This session created an opportunity for children to learn with their grown-ups in school. We hope to see our Nursery parents soon!
Thank you to all of our wonderful grown-ups who attended!
Our Local Walk
Today we enjoyed a local walk around Elland. The children enjoyed sight seeing and sharing information around the area. We discussed street signs, road markings and symbols. The children had a lovely time exploring their local area.
Get Busy with Me
Thank you to all our wonderful parents who attended our stay and play event. The children certainly loved showing their grown ups their daily routines, work and 'busy jobs'.
It was a fantastic opportunity to speak with parents and reflect on their Childs development.
We hope to see you all again very soon!
Measuring scales

Adults have enhanced provision by adding a weighing scale. The children have recently enjoyed exploring objects and investigating whether they are heavy or light.

Friendship Bracelets
We discussed what it meant to be a good friend and decided to make friendship bracelets.
Early years enjoyed threading pieces of dried pasta onto an elasticated string using their fine motor skills.
Letter formation
During our busy jobs adults have tried to encourage our pupils to write letter sounds with a range of media.
Threading Bears
Through our Design and Technology project the children in early years have learnt how to thread using a needle and thread.
As a next step we then challenged the children to use a smaller needle to sew.
Nursery Rhyme Time
This term Early Years have been learning lots of new nursery rhymes as well as consolidating familiar rhymes. Early Years staff challenged the children to demonstrate some of the nursery rhymes they know and it was a big success! Well done Early Years.
Self Portraits
This term we have been learning about the artist 'Frida Kahlo'.
After building up our skills for the past few weeks the children had the opportunity to paint their very own self-portrait using appropriate colours and ensuring their portrait reflects their appearance.
(UTW, C&L)
Early Years have enjoyed learning all about woodland animals and their habitats. In provision we explored making habitats for animals who are preparing for hibernation.
Gold Balloon - Teddy Bear Picnic
Early Years enjoyed their gold balloon reward! This term we chose to have a teddy bears picnic. We enjoyed spending the day showing our teddies busy jobs and making new friends!
Sound Hunters
AI - Literacy, C&L & PSED
During 'Busy Jobs' adults enhanced the provision by placing taught letter sounds around the classroom. The children were then challenged to find the sound adults requested.
Matching Challenge
AI - Mathematics/ C&L
This week's mathematics challenge was to find matching objects.
The children had to explain why their objects matched in a clear sentence.
Autumn Parachute
AI - Gross Motor/ PSED/ UTW
During our afternoon activities we explored using a parachute to toss the leaves in the air. In doing so, we used our muscles to move the parachute in various ways. We carefully listened to the instruction of "ready, set, go"
AI - C&L
Early Year's love our WOW bag sessions and look forward to finding our what is hiding inside of the bag. We start every session which a song and encourage good looking. This activity promotes focusing our attention on a highly motivating object!
Book in a Box
CI - Literacy
During our 'Busy Jobs' some of our pupils selected a box to read in.
This excited other pupils who were eager to read in a book box too. Developing a love for reading.
This proves reading can take place anywhere!
Matching Objects
This week we have been learning how to match objects based on their attributes. We have encouraged children to talk in full sentences and explain why their buttons matched.
Splat the Sound
AI - Phonics
We loved playing the simple game of splat the sound. Each child anticipated what sound would come next. This activity supports sound recognition and a love for phonics!
We're Going on a Bear Hunt
Our Top Bananas enjoyed a full sensory experience when
Re-telling the story of 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. Implementing a sensory story has brought the story to life, allowing our pupils to
experience parts of the book on a personal level.
Skin Tones
Early Years have been learning about the artist Frida Kahlo.
This term we are exploring self-portraits using mirrors and paint similar to Frida Kahlo.
We noticed that the paints we had did not match our skin tone.
As a next step adults modelled mixing a range of colours and experimenting with a range of shades.
The children then had an opportunity to explore paint mixing and matching skin tones in preparation for their very own self-portraits.
Autumn Finger Painting
Adult Initiated - EAD, L & PD
Our curriculum is always centred around the needs of our cohort. Through observations adults have recongise a need for fine motor enhancements and a love for sensory play. This activity incorporates both!
Children were encouraged to explore painting with all of their fingers and placing them carefully into the white circles.

Busy Jobs
Child Initiated
These pictures illustrate some of the child initiated play captured by adults during our 'Busy Jobs'.
The past few weeks we have been learning how to "choose it, use it and put it back".
During 'Busy Jobs' we are able to explore new skills, dig deeper and become curious learners.
The first few weeks we have established routines, explored provision areas and are beginning to understand how to 'get busy' in areas of provision.
Nursery Phase 1 Phonics
Adult Initiated C&L L
Nursery have enjoyed playing the drums outside.
They used sticks to explore the different sounds when banging on different surfaces. One child said they liked banging on the "Window" best. The children have since played this activity independently.
Leaf Printing
Adult Initiated - EAD, PD & CL
This term in science we are focusing on seasons and changes during Autumn. As part of our topic the children collected a range of leaves from our outdoor area. We used hands on experiences to investigate the texture of our leaves. We then painted the leaves using paint brushes and carefully printed them to a large piece of paper. We discussed the effect of printing the leaves onto the paper.
Adult Initiated - C&L PD
Early Years look forward to our 'Danceology' sessions. This short intervention provides children with the opportunity to follow simple instructions whilst enjoying a full sensory experience.
Sensory Circuits
Early Years take part in a daily sensory circuit. We aim to support our pupils in emotional regulation so that they are ready for the day ahead. Here is a clear example of our three zones:
1. alerting
2. organising
3. Calming
Sensory Room
Adult Initiated - Self regulation
Early Years enjoy having the opportunity to explore a range of strategies to help regulate their emotions within our brand new Sensory room. Children have access to stimulating and motivating resources in a calm environment. Within Early Years we like to use intensive interaction to support the development of communication and language within this area. This also allows Early Years to keep the child at the centre of learning.
Sensory Story - We're Going on a Bear Hunt
Adult Initiated - Reading Focus
Today we enjoyed our very first sensory story, which helped bring the story to life! Early Years helped to add actions, beats and narrate the story using repeated refrains. Using our story sequences boxes we were able to explore the textures of each setting within the story.
We're Going on a Bear Hunt
Adult Initiated - Literacy Focus
Today we heard the news that there is a 'Brown Grizzly Bear' prowling around our School, foraging for some food. After lots of discussion we packed a Bear Hunt bag with necessities such as porridge, a phone and a magnifying glass.
The children decided that bears love Porridge and wanted to prepare some in case the Bear came to visit. We decided to explore the outdoors and look for any clues!
Welcome to EYFS
Last week was our very first week at Elland CE School. We have enjoyed meeting new friends, teachers and learning new routines! During our 'Busy Jobs' we explored a range of provision areas such as playdough, role play and the wonderful outdoors. This week we have learnt the importance of listening to instructions, sharing with our friends and having lots of fun whilst we learn. Please come back to see how our Learning Journey progresses throughout the academic year! We can't wait to share our Busy Jobs with you.
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