Elland C of E Junior, Infant & Nursery School (VA)

May God give us the courage to try, the will to succeed and hope without limits

Westgate, Elland, West Yorkshire, HX5 0BB



Year 5 & 6

North America



A message from Winston July 2024

Our inspirational My Voice Matters project is about to draw to a close this week and whilst this makes me rather sad I have some good news...

 Over this term (and programme twelve of the programme) teaching year six classes at all ten of the Elland cluster schools I have been beavering away working on an inter-schools project. Something that I hope will represent everyone in the cluster who is moving on to secondary education next year. Something that I hope will be a little finale to our project.

This was an exercise I devised for transition. One where we celebrated the things that made us all unique and different but yet, at the same time, the things we all share which unite us.

 I hope you like this film. Apologies if it's a bit shaky.

Thank you all for letting me work with your pupils.

Best Wishes


What we’ve been doing…

...and all that jazz!

Our theme in music this half term is Classroom Jazz. Year 5/6 have been using the glockenspiels to create and follow the music. We have some very talented musicians.

Funky Foods

Year 5/6 have been voting for their Funky Foods ambassadors. They children have filled out a voting slip and placed them into a ballot box , the slips will be counted and the new ambassadors will be announced.

See The Light

n science Year 5/6 have been looking at how light travels and how we see things . They have used wool to demonstrate how light travels from a light source to the object then reflects off the object to our eyes so we can see things.

 We had a visitor in Year 5/6

Kira, from Healthy Minds, taught the children all about Kindness, Friendships and Social Media. 
The children had to think about what makes a positive friend and what can be negative about friendships. The children, and staff, enjoyed the workshop.

Design Technology

Our DT topic in Year5/6  this half term is textiles, the children have been designing Day of the Dead masks and have created theses using over stitch running stitch and cross stitch to bring their designs to life. We have some very talented children in the class.


In English year5/6 are reading the book Wonder , in the book the English Teacher Mr Browne writes a precept ,( rules about really important things) every month. The children were asked to write their own precept and design a portrait in the style of the book cover. The class then voted for the ones they liked the best and these have been displayed in upper key stage two corridor for everyone to see.

Under Pressure

Following on from making circuits Year 5/6 have used this knowledge to create a pressure switch with a full working circuit to light their bulb. Again the children showed great team work and had lots of fun to ensure the challenge was achieved.

PCSO Visit

The PCSOs paid year5/6 to talk to the children about the dangers of vaping and smoking . The children listened carefully and took on board what they were being told . At the end of the session they asked some sensible relevant questions which were answered by the PCSOs


Our topic this half term in science is electricity.  We have been looking at circuits and how they work , the children worked in groups to make a working circuit to light a bulb with just the components given. They showed great team work and each group succeeded in lighting their bulb.


Year5/6 have started the book Wonder. As part of their lesson they have worked in pairs to record an argument between mum and dad about whether Auggie should go to school or not. Some of the children then performed their arguments to the rest of the class.

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