Welcome to our school....
Next week is the half term break. We hope everyone has a good break and comes back to school rested and refreshed, ready for the next half term and lead up to Easter.
Children’s Mental Health Week
On Tuesday, children and staff in Years 1-6 took part in a live assembly along with other schools around the world. Linking to our Children’s Mental Health Week activities, the theme was ‘How talking about the World around us can support our Mental health.’ All children took part by discussing the questions posed with friends and adults. Children discussed, what activities they enjoyed; how learning about world events may have encouraged them to make a change and how they relaxed to support their mental health. It was good to hear answers from schools in other parts of our world too. Thank you Picture News, we look forward to the next one!
Positive Feedback
Much of the data we collected from parents on Parents' Evening was very positive and it is worth sharing a few of the headline with you.
The survey was conducted with over 100 parents.
- 98% feel that their child is happy at this school
- 100% said that their child feels safe at this school
- 95% said that school makes sure pupils are well behaved
- 97% said that children at this school, do well
- 100% said that there is a good range of subjects available at this school
Attendance Reward
Children with 100% attendance in the Autumn Term had a lovely time this morning, sharing hot chocolate and biscuits with their families. We had 30 children with full attendance last term – a huge achievement – well done. These children will help Mrs Hoyle and Miss Hartley decide what we will do to celebrate our Spring Term star attenders.
Thank you to all of the parents who were able to join us.
Adopted Animals
Cross Country Success
Here are the photos from the Cross Country event that took place at Brooksbank on 13 November. We are exceptionally proud of all of their achievements and we are now waiting to hear if any of them qualified for the next round. A huge well done to each and every one of them.
Construction Enrichment
Some of the amazing constructions from enrichment.
School Council
Last week, KS1 and KS2 participated in our school council elections. Every child had the opportunity to participate in this fundamental aspect of democracy, making informed choices when voting to help shape their school.
Our New Sensory Room
Our Summer 2 Enrichment Curriculum sessions are in full swing. Children (and adults) are having fun learning new skills, practising hobbies and trying new activities. The children had lots to choose from. This half term, enrichment offers include chess, outdoor games, bracelet making, fitness, coding, watercolour painting, boogie bingo, singing and story-telling.
The logo for our school vision
Each letter of the word CREATION inspires us to think about things we wish our school to provide for everyone who learns and works here.
Can you find the word for each letter?
Upcoming Events
Every Monday - Choir 3.15pm—4.15pm (Until July)
Every Friday Afternoon - Year 5 Swimming
Every Thursday - Creative Writing Club with Miss Tara
Friday 7th March - Coffee Morning (after Recognition Assembly)
Wednesday 12 March - Parents’ Evening (Bookings available online shortly)
Wednesday 19 - 24th March - Book Fair
Friday 21st—Sunday 23rd March -Robinwood Trip
Friday 4 April - Coffee Morning after Recognition Assembly
School closes for Easter break (at end of day)
Tuesday 22 April - School opens for first Summer half term
Religious Links
This week children went to St Mary’s Church for our Ashing Service, to mark Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Many of our families also began Ramadan this week.
SIAMS Inspection
The full inspection report can be read HERE.